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Corefy FAQ

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions about interaction and working with Corefy! This list is not conclusive, and we regularly improve and update it with new cases. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for here, submit your request to our support team , we’ll be happy to help you.

Troubleshoot Password, Email Address, and Login Problems

Did you not receive new account invitation email?

To register with Corefy, you need to give the account manager the existing e-mail address to send the invitation. Firstly, if you cannot find the e-mail, check the Spam folder.

Contact the account administrator to verify that the address is correct and ask about resending the invitation. If the email is still missing, you might need to use another e-mail address.

Do you forget the password or the existing password doesn’t fit?

Use the password recovery button: enter an e-mail and request a link to change the password. If the email does not arrive, check the Spam folder.

On the off chance, contact your account administrator to ensure that you have all the necessary access and activated user profile.

Have you enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) but forgot the connected mobile device?

If you enabled Two-Factor Authentication, you need to enter the secret code to access the application. But what if you don't have your mobile device to get that code? There are several steps you can take.

  1. If you use the Authy app, download the desktop version to your laptop or desktop computer. You can then get the authentication code on your computer and use that code to log in.
  2. Also, you can change the mobile phone number with Authy and have the authentication code sent to a different mobile phone number.
  3. If you have saved list with one-time 10-digits codes to restore access, enter one of them in the field for two-factor authentication.
  4. Contact Corefy support to disable two-factor authentication on your profile, so you can log in with a password only. But after that, don't forget to return 2FA with the right device.
Does your authentication fail several times?
  1. If your authentication fails several times, you may need to synchronize your phone's clock with your mobile provider. Often, this involves checking the "Set automatically" option on your phone's clock, rather than providing your time zone.
  2. Code not working? Make sure you are not entering spaces between the numbers from the Authy app.
  3. Use your saved list with one-time 10-digits codes to restore access and enter one of them in the field for two-factor authentication.
  4. Contact Corefy support to disable two-factor authentication on your profile, so you can log in with a password only. But after that, don't forget to return 2FA with the right device.

Troubleshoot Dashboard Errors

The 403 forbidden error

There are two probable causes for error 403 when passing between pages:

  • the active user session ended on your device: refresh the page to re-login and continue working;
  • check if you have permission to access this section: contact the account administrator to clarify the situation.
What timezone is used for transactions' date and time?

You can customize transactions' date and time in the dashboard. Configure the time zone in the user profile but consider this option if you have team members from different time zones. When you exchange information about transactions in the process, use unique payment ID, not date and time only.

API Integration

What is the REST based API? What is the input and output data format for request and response?

Our API has been designed as a REST API. It uses the HTTP protocol as its ground. Each resource is accessible under a clearly named URL, and the HTTP response codes are used to deliver status. We use HTTP Verbs like GET and POST to interact with the resources. To support accessibility by clients directly, our servers support cross-origin resource sharing. We use JSON for all our payloads, including error messages.

All these characteristics mean that you will be able to use standard off-the-shelf software to interact with our platform. To make the integration even easier, we also offer SDKs that wrap both the complete Server API as well as the complete Client API.

How you can obtain API keys?

Find all the integration keys for public API and private API in the account settings. They are available to registered users with Owner, Administrator or Developer roles.

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Description of the transaction status codes
  • 201: Successfully created
  • 4xx: Creation failed. Check Server response for details
  • 5xx: Server error. Need to clarify operation state via API request
Is the CVV stored in card payment processes?

Corefy properly maintains PCI-DSS compliance for processing of Card Not Present transactions. That means the CVV, submitted by the client and sent to the issuer bank with the first payment attempt, should not be stored. So that it cannot be sent for recurring series transactions.

Corefy includes to payload a recurring flag that goes out to the issuer bank and alerts about CVV is not coming with repeat authorizations you submit. This possibility is based on the recurring nature of the agreement or relationship with your client. You can contact our support to review parameters, risks and the necessity to add this option.

May 3D Secure be enabled only for certain payments and countries?

When 3D secure is enabled for all card types; by default 3D authentication will take place for card transaction in all countries.

Corefy includes to payload a recurring flag to alert the issuing bank about skipping the 3D secure check. This possibility is based on your business logic and relationship with your clients. You can contact our support ]( to review parameters, risks and the necessity to add it.

Can you save a card and charge it later?

If you create card payment invoice with enabled tokenization, we save card details on our servers and store a related token on your side. You can use this token to charge the card at a later date.

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To resolve any other refund issues, contact our support team , and we will help you as soon as possible.

Does token have an expiration date?

A token is valid until expiring the linked card.

How long does it take to receive a response from the payment platform?

On average, the Corefy platform responds within one to two seconds. Certain responses can take a bit longer in case various third-party platforms need to be reached.

Do you get "OK" resolution and status relates to the ERROR or FAIL group?

The resolution is a status clarification, but it's not directly dependent. Resolution ok means that the process is complete under the planned scenario. Contact our support team to reproduce the bug and solve the problem.

You can find a general list of possible resolutions in the article about Payment status list.

Can you submit more than one refund on the same order on the same day?

Yes, you can. But be aware: some local card acquirers (for example, in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Columbia) impose restrictions on multiple refunds.

How do you know if the refund is successful?

Refund requests are executed as a reverse payment request. It takes a few business days depending on the country and the payment provider used to credit the client's account.

Once we have received the confirmation that the client has received the funds, you get a payment status refunded or partially_refunded in the Callbacks.

API Security

Is it necessary to whitelist your IP in the white access list to API?

IP whitelisting is not required to access REST-based API calls.

But to enhance the API security and as an additional test either, your public IP address(es) need to be whitelisted in our portal.

Corefy Checkout

How do you enable the device-specific Checkout page?

Corefy Checkout page is responsive. The page adapts to the screen size and format of your client's device. This makes sure that the payment page is optimized for use on desktop, tablet and mobile phone screens, both in the portrait and landscape modes.

If you wish to create specific versions of your checkout page for specific devices, you can create and design as many variants as want. And through the REST API, you can direct your users to each of these variants.

Is it possible to hide the header, footer, or any other basic elements of the Checkout?

You can hide any of the elements other than the main: client-available payment methods.

Test the look and feel of the Checkout in the Sandbox and choose the best combination of options.

Which browsers does the Checkout support?

The following browsers are supported:

  • Desktop:
    • Chrome version 41 and later
    • Firefox version 43 and later
    • Safari version 8 and later
    • Opera version 12 and later
    • Edge version 14 and later
    • Internet Explorer version 11 and later
  • Mobile:
    • Chrome version 41 and later
    • Firefox version 15 and later
    • Safari version 9 and later
    • Samsung Browser 8.2 and later
    • Silk Browser 72 and later

For any browsers not in the list, the Checkout may work, but compatibility is not guaranteed.

Have you found an answer to your question?

If no, ask our support team , we are always here for help!